Python Course Duration:40 Hrs
Course Details
Module 1: Introduction to Python
- What is Python and History of Python
- Unique features of Python
- Differences between Python2 and Python3
- Install Python and Environment Setup
- Print Function, Escape sequence and comments
- Variables
- Python as a calculator
Module 2: Python Data Types
- Integers, Float
- String, user input
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Set
Module 3: Control Statements and Loops
- If-else
- If-elif-else
- Pass, Break, Continue Statement
- While Loop
- For Loop
- DRY princliple
Module 4: Functions
- Python built-in functions
- Python user defined functions
- Defining and calling functions
- Introduction to *args and **kwargs
- Lambda expression
- Enumerate function
- Map function
- Filter function
- Zip function
- Any and All function
Module 5: Object oriented Programming
- Introduction to class and objects
- Instance Methods
- Class Variables
- Class Methods
- Static Methods
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Multilevel and multiple Inheritance
Module 6: Introduction to Errors
- Compile time, Run time and Logical Errors
- Exception
- Try—except—else
- Custom Exception
- Raising an exception, User defined Exception
Module 7: File input and output
- Reading and writing different type of files